Mind Body Spirit Coaching

Mind Body Spirit Coaching
Brings your Life to New Heights

Friday, January 29, 2010

NO time to Waste (NO-W!)

Analyze your current situation.
Don’t think about your past or your
Future. Just think about this moment.
Think about NO-W.

Are you HAPPY?

If yes keep it that way, because that’s
What nurtures your soul, that’s what
Creates inner peace, that’s what drives
You to self-realization, that’s what you
Reflect to the universe. That reflection
Attracts positive thoughts, positive
People around you and positive
Circumstances to shine even more
and more.

Are you HAPPY?

If not, then what are you waiting for?
There is NO time to Waste to make the
Change. Nobody else will make it for
You the way you want it to make it
Happen. If you don’t take control of
Your life then somebody else or the
Circumstances will do it for you.

Are you HAPPY?

Think out of the box. Believe in yourself
That everything is possible as you create
It by using your imagination first. Don’t
Worry about your E-G-O (Edge God Out).
It will do everything to control you
Against changes. E-G-O doesn’t like changes.
E-G-O likes to create fear, uncertainty,
Doubts, dependency in you. Don't bother,
Take it as a fact. Life is so simple,
If you understand your E-G-O, your Soul
And your Body with all its signs (sicknesses).
The biggest problem with humanity is that
We were given the Mind but we want to solve
everything with it. Keep the balance between
Mind, Body and Spirit.

Are you HAPPY?

Listen, observe, investigate your inner
Thoughts. Turn off your mind for 15 minutes
Every day. Write down your dreams and analyse
It. Listen to your heart and to your true
Intentions based on your core values.

Do you understand NO-W?

Life is not about wasting your time, but to
Value every minute of it. Nothing is yours
Except your Soul which lives on forever.
The only valuable time spent is when you
Nurture your Soul. Eliminate everything else.

Do you understand NO-W?

You are just a drop in the Ocean, but you
Have to think with the power of that immense
Ocean within YOU.


Balázs Heller
Dublin, 29 January, 2010

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Just be yourself

Are you proud of yourself?

Why not?

You are the only one in the 6,9 billion people
on Earth, who was born with unique characteristics,
genetics and appearance. No body else has what
you have. You were born with a special mission
on your earthly life.

Self-realization requires the self to be realized.

There is nobody else who can walk along the path
of your spiritual enlightenment,

except YOU.

There is nobody else who can investigate in deep
inside you to understand who you really are, what
your core values are, what your mission is to

except YOU.

There is nobody else who knows better which
road to take at the junction of uncertainty,

except YOU.

There is nobody else who can take as much care
of yourself,

as YOU do.

There is nobody else who can nurture your Mind,
Body and Spirit to reach the ultimate goal of
lifetime harmony,

except YOU.

There is nobody else who has the power to make
the ultimate positive changes in your life,

except YOU.

You were born perfect the way you are, this is
your own perfection and there is no point in
comparing to other perfections. We all have the
potential to grow in our own space in our own

Just be yourself.

Look deep in your eyes through the reflections
of self and identify your soul within, as it is
crying to be connected with you and to be
understood. Your soul needs to be nurtured, just
as your body and mind. Can you imagine your body
functioning without feeding it regularly?

Just be truthful to yourself!

Find out what you really want to get out of this
life, and go for it, as there is no time to waste!
Do not believe in failures or wrong decisions,
because they just simply don't exist. These thoughts
are only created by your ego, to control your self.

Self-realization is the key of lifetime happiness.
Rabindranath Tagore, the Indian Nobel Price Poet said
that "Life is perpetually creative because
it contains in itself that surplus which ever
overflows the boundaries of the immediate time
and space, restlessly pursuing its adventure of
expression in the varied forms of self-realization."

Just be yourself.

Take control of your life by letting your heart
beating on your own rhythm. This is an amazing
lifetime journey with thousands of seasons passing
by. As long as you keep your heart open and letting
your soul recognize the divine signs and teachings
you receive through struggles and difficulties on
your journey...

there is nothing to worry about.

Just be yourself...

Balázs Heller
Mind-Body-Spirit Coach

Dublin, 9th of January 2010

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Rediscover the child within

Do you remember your childhood?
Playing all day long, when everything
astonishes us, always wanting to learn
something new, enjoying every moment,
being curious and open minded to new things,
not knowing the word ‘failure’ because we
believed that everything is possible.

Do you remember that one minute we were
crying, and just in seconds we were smiling again,
because we could forgive in the blink of an eye.

Do you remember waking up every day with big
smile on our face, jumping out of the bed rushing
to wake up the whole family: “ Come on wake up!
We have lots of things to do today!”
and when it
comes to get into bed in the evenings we just simply
don’t want to do it, because we still want to play and
enjoy the moment.

Do you remember going to strangers asking them
“What’s your name? Do you want to be my friend?”
or just going to a homeless on the street, asking her
or him “Hello, why do you lie on the dirty street
asking for money?”

Do you remember loving and hugging people just to
appreciate their existence, saying: “Daddy, I love you
or “Mommy you are the greatest mom in the World!”.
We just simply didn’t know how to refrain from our

Do you remember running and jumping all around the
whole day? Being active was part of our nature. We
couldn't sit in place for 5 minutes and now we spend
8 hours or more in front of the computer.

Do you remember asking questions all the time?
Because we wanted to know everything, we were
open to the world and we did want to understand
everything. We didn't like secrets and we weren't
satisfied if the answer didn't make sense to us. We
were just asking and asking until the answers
made sense to us.

Rachel Carson said: „A child's world is fresh and
new and beautiful, full of wonder and excitement.
It is our misfortune that for most of us that
clear-eyed vision, that true instinct for what is
beautiful and awe-inspiring, is dimmed and even
lost before we reach adulthood.”

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe said: „ If children
grew up according to early indications, we should
have nothing but geniuses.”

Pablo Picasso said: „Every child is an artist. The
problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.”

They were so right. We were all born as children
and we all pass away as pure hearted children. It is
up to YOU how you live your life between the two.

If you have difficulties rediscovering the child within,
spend more time with children. Ask them questions,
like what would you do in my position? What do you
think of this and that?

Watch the movie 'Life is beautiful' or 'Pay it forward'.
Be inspired by them! They are the greatest teachers,
and purest human beings on Earth.

Remember we were all children once, and it is
only up to YOU, if you want to change your life by
rediscovering the child within!


"Benjamin, my little son, you are the most precious
gift from God in my eternal life."

Balázs Heller
Mind-Body-Spirit Coach

Dublin, 7th of January 2010

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


We were all born free. As Paulo Coelho says “Freedom is not the absence of commitments, but the ability to choose--and commit myself to – what is best for me…” So in order to become free in your life you first need to know who you really are, what are your core values, what makes you happy, what inspires you.

Freedom has a dimension of being and choosing to be yourself...to be in present...to nurture your positive mindset on a daily basis with positive thoughts, people, environment.

Don't wait for others to set you free because it is only you who can make it happen.

Dare to dream and dare to make the change NOW as every minute is a treasure on your spiritual journey! Life is beautiful when you believe that you are the beauty in it and if you are humble enough to see that everything is connected to each other as we are one drop of the ocean.

Balázs Heller
Mind-Body-Spirit Coach,

Dublin, 6th of January, 2010